Who is that Hot Stuff?

a spit of comments.
a groan of aches.
a moment to confuse.
a reason to fight.
a tear to trickle.
an antidote to laugh.
a lameness to feed on.

Its all in here!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Miracles Of 4 Seasons...

Objects, situations, relations…
Never did they differ though they belong to a different proportion,
With the unity of the 4 seasons,
of Autumn, Spring, Winter and Summer…

they come and they go,
they arrive and they left,
but, not entirely,
as it leaves footsteps in our hearts,
and spread burnt out ashes in our way,
I felt it deeply sometimes painfully…

Day and night
Dawn and dusk
Every memories inched away just like us
Slowly but neither it drained out totally nor completely,
History has never became legends,
Nor legend has ever became myths…
The moments are still as fresh as flowers,
And as solid as rocks,
To me, FRIENDSHIP is as sacred as divination

the beginning of everything
Is when our friendship bloomed…
Beautifully, attractively and luscious like the mother earth, our friendship does smelt the crisp of acorns and oak leaves,
Things that met our eyes are simply jewels,
Cultivation of this bond has yet to grow into wonderful plants,
In this period of our months

the sense of total climax ,
where sun rays beams intensely,
Creatures are activated back to lively routine,
Cheers and laughter take over the stillness in the atmosphere,
This is when my friendship is polished
Thus shines brightfully,
But then again…

Autumn arrives without any signs of warning,
Time flies without us realizing,
For it is time for me to say goodbye,
To take leave from the branch and go outside,
Into the world full of surprise,
With the strength of winds and total energy of natures’ lifes
Without any knowledge of the danger awaiting behind…

Welcoming the winter…
The lord of bachelors and spinsters,
Where life’s only individual
Full of cold… menacing… stiff and hard meaning
Things chill out…
and that’s the end of warmth,
till the roots it spread…

I shall end this with a phrase,
Circle of the 4 seasons never fail itself
since the day they were born themselves…

29th November 2002.

Does it still applies?

Oh yes... It sure does... =(

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