Who is that Hot Stuff?

a spit of comments.
a groan of aches.
a moment to confuse.
a reason to fight.
a tear to trickle.
an antidote to laugh.
a lameness to feed on.

Its all in here!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Bloody Diamond

Think "The Last Samurai" is helluva good historical epic?
Try Blood Diamond-based on a true story of a global conflict.

See for yourself how each scenes sweep you off from the peaceful-cum-boring -everyday-life's perception. The ground you stand will somehow be altered once the message of this masterpiece travel across to you... It only sucked you into the chaotic turmoil in a land most of us are not concerned about.

Yes, Edward Zwick (also the director of The Last Samurai, thats why I did the comparison) brings us a masterpiece of the year definitely defeating The Prestige... Along with a masterful act by Leonardo Dicaprio aided with such brilliant cinematography. They are pretty
p/s: take notice of the sunsets.

I never would have thought that Dicaprio can capture my heart for him. Used to loathe him and
his hair in all his Cheesy movies ie Romeo and Juliet, TITANIC and The man behind the Iron Mask.

:: tell me its not cheesy~ Keju-nyer~ ::

See! A plus point for ladies out there who hates and who loves him. If u hate him, you will end up LOVING him just like ME and if u love him, well and good- u will crave for him.

:: snapshots from the movie::

Apart from having eye candy in such, the movie brought along concept that slaps the audience hard in the thought exposing an issues dwelling with humanity, greed and human's life just for a rock compressed within the surface of the earth for millions of years-
The Blood/Conflict/War/Pink Diamond

Bah~ A lil' teasing of romance (I personally like the way the hero and less important heroine NOT having to exchange french kiss or having to lock onto each other's arm like any other prototype war movies- like, lets say- Pearl Harbour? )

:: the ultimate mat romeo ::

Another important message carried across about family ties between a father and his son. *touching sial... sobz*

Cruelty worse then Child's Labour because you get to see kids forced into poising with M-16, Ak and Bazooka and firing them without mercy-man the blood that they shed >.< ~

This movie definitely taught me something even though I can't pinpoint to what exactly. Not like I am heading to become a mercenary nor am I going to point a gun on my dad's forhead. Maybe just maybe I might be an advantage of my future husband. He doesnt need to spend on diamond ring for me.Tee Hee~ XD I wouldn't wanna wear a polished rock tainted with blood of the innocents, ya know...

:: my favourite pic- Jennifer Connelly as Maddy Bowen ::

A show not to be missed. Tremendous recommendation from me. It is by far, one of the best emotional, inspired,enlightened, informative elements buried in a movie to be dug up and fed to hungry audience like me. The last movie that made me felt this way dated back to almost 3 years back-The Final Cut and BigFish.

My RATE is 10.5 outta 10

Anyways, interested in more detailed reviews:

:: Leo and Jenny ::

::From left to right : Leo D'caprio, Jennifer Connelly, Kagiso Kyper,
Djimon Houson, Edawrd Zwick::

:: Djimon Houson, Leo ::

1 comment:

  1. Coo...

    I liked Big Fish a lot as well. Guess it's safe for me to check this on one.

    Leo's always good (post-Titanic).
