Who is that Hot Stuff?

a spit of comments.
a groan of aches.
a moment to confuse.
a reason to fight.
a tear to trickle.
an antidote to laugh.
a lameness to feed on.

Its all in here!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

another Valentine's post in another blog page

9 out of 10 blog sites I visited contain an entry on Valentine's day. (i musn't miss out oso! Hence Im here!)

Either it is a prototype complaints on being dateless and single. Feeling the empty lonesome and sulking away at one corner of the room. Drafted out multiple reasons of

WHY AM I STILL SINGLE when im fucking hawt and my next door hideous neighbour who has the distinction look of an ogre has a chiq next to him!

and thinking about I-love-u-but-you-don't-love-me context.


Sobbing away in un-named blog site under a pseudonym on the amount of ringgits that have generated wings and emancipated in just one night. *sweat*


Telling the WHOLE WIDE WORLD www.2007vdaywasd'besteventeverhappenedtomeinmyentirelife.com
Man, wat happened to your friends and parents and siblings?! Nuts.


worse i've ever come across with ONLY
I LAB U phrase throughout the entry. I LOVE you till the core of bone, and the bottom of my heart (well, u see, since u are at the bottom of his heart, theres still of space above XD ) and ya-da ya-da ya-da attached with gazillions self portrayed pictures captioned : MY HONEY AND I. *puke*

Well and good for me. I am single. I have all the rights in the universe to sulk too. But somehow this Valentine's failed to affect me in any sense. Maybe Im being surrounded with loads of singles and tempe (referring to the locals) couples which doesn't appeal me much compared to the Taylorians' act, radio announcement ala advertisement to call in for ur love ones, heart shaped, doves, lil aphrodites-carrying-arrows&bow deco in every freaking sopping malls and last but not the least the headlines on local newspapers announcing on lucky couples who was blessed with babies on such divine day THAT I had to put up with for the last 2 years!!!!! (pause, breathe.)

It makes perfect sense that being in a rural area, urban event is not significant at all. Haha. Im glad I share this lovely days with my friends who means more than any cute guys can offer me right now. Arigato kogaimasu.

And, and, and u see ... Not everybody is happy on Valentine's day... People fight, people get dumped (still wondering who is capable of doing so, but it is highly possible). People cry, people attempted suicide, people freak out and people made up. Ive seen so many heartaches written across faces and it hurts me to see them in such way... Ive known many cheatings behind the one person they swore their balls and tits to when they were on a spree to get him/her.


The world is still playing innocence. Evading the elements of maturity and responsibility has become a must-do task nowadays.
Yalor, we are not flawless mah. All this, can wan lah, can do bit bit wan lah. Nah beh~

1 comment:

  1. ...and ya-da ya-da ya-da attached with gazillions self portrayed pictures captioned : MY HONEY AND I. *puke*

    Ditto. *barf*

    Happy St. Valentine's Day, btw.
