Who is that Hot Stuff?

a spit of comments.
a groan of aches.
a moment to confuse.
a reason to fight.
a tear to trickle.
an antidote to laugh.
a lameness to feed on.

Its all in here!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

`~What an attitude towards 2006~`

`~What an attitude towards 2006~`

In no time... wishes will be heard welcoming a bright brand new year... But have we ever say goodbye to 2005? No doubt anticipating 2006 indirectly send across a message of adios to 2005, but to think of it deep enough... u will manage to make out the thin strand of line seperating the goodbye and the welcome of something new at the same time...

No one will want to mourn over the past because it is a known concept to think positive... No-regrets principle is brought about and is instilled and yada..yada..yada... Aha! I can tell the world that im not in my pleasant mood for the past few days. In another word- FOUL! So, aura of melancholiness has found its way to entertain me and reciprocally I somehow find it rather amusing to dwell in the darkness.... *SULK*

2 days to new year, yet I failed to establish "THE MOOD" the least i had for christmas... wonder why not for new year? Blaming it on my presence in India doesnt suite me: self esteem aint that low. Blaming India itself seems to be too generalized and abstract because I foresee this situation like a few months back before coming to India..... I knew for a fact that I will not ever get bangsar's, klcc's, star walk's and not even a dataran merdeka's atmosphere in Manipal... But hell, i do hope for a change...!! Secretly I do want a better estatic celebration! DUH~! Every teen like me will die for an extravaganza event unless I am labelled "Hilton, Chaurasia... or even something close to "chihuahua" and "simcard" (gosh, i hate not having the freedom to type ppl's name in my own blog! Too public!!!)

Basically, i feel empty... Ever come across these feelings?
"Floating in space of darkness...silence...blankness... and being swayed by mild breeze without any sense of direction.Only guide is the changing course of wind...(if u get what i mean...) Washed by curent of thoughts towards the door of doomed (more of boredom...)
Feeling hollow from the very top of my cranial cavity all the way down to stomache. Im totally drained lar...As if all the happiness and joy has been sucked out from your soul..."

Either from lack of sleep which i highly doubt or rather has been concentrating hard on studies. Half of my feet has entered the nerdy zone ya noe? Sooner... you shall see a bespectacled sulin going everywhere with a thick medical book pressed on her sagging boobs, apearance: slouching, dressed in collared check-boxed huge blouse... Looking ever so goofy! Seriously i wont be surprised... We call this self evolution... Eventhough evolution happens over centuries but this particular changes does not follow Darwin's Theory. Rapid evolution theory introduced by SuLin the Geek! Then i will never be sexy anymore... Then i will never be the hot chick anymore.... *sigh... sigh.... sigh.....*

And no I dont even have a resolution...! -Pathetic- Not like my resolutions are listed down to be followed.. but for the sake and fun of squeezing them reso from my brain cells... Then pompously state that "neh... i never kept mine too..." Muahaha~ Well, all that are no longer in trend here. On the other hand, we the nerds only chant... "we..do..not...have...r..e..s..o..l..u..t..i..o..n... and we do not need one...........................*yawns*

*SMACK! combo of backflip DDTC!*
gosh.... get A LIFE and get alive DUDE AND DUDETTES!!!
wait for my next entry about : The Regrets of 2005 instead of Resolutions of 2006
(since every Tom, Dick and Harry or every Susan, Sue and Sally write about resolutions!)


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