Heres some lame modified version of christmas songs in conjuction to the end of 2005 christmas:
-Jingle bell.. Jingle bell.. Jingle down the drain... Juggle everyone's balls!
-Silent night.. holy night... lustful night...
-Dis is season to be SILLY! Shalalalalalalala~
::the limited edition of santa's helpers::
::parading outside lecture hall (no wonder ppl were staring at us like a bunch of morons::
The eve's was great... =) spending time with the love ones is the sweetest comfort u can get here... Obviously i dun have my family here (anwayz, not like my family will celebrate christmas, screwed up family yet i LOVE each and everyone of dem! HEHEHE) So us, ie: me, mel, dailou, enghan+ alicia, amanda and sonam made our way to saif parivar- a more decent proper restaurant in Udupi (a town located in the vicinity of manipal) It will only take 15 minutes IF the oto driver has the brain or the guts to accelerate and risk our life but yesterday we had to come across the first ever so careful driver that tested our patience!!!! ARGH!? Me and mel were usual... Since when are we punctual? Gosh, really, i personally think our future boyfren is gonna suffer.. thufff~ Another uninteresting event to mention, we forced dailou outta his bed to come wif us. recently, he has been damn anti-social. we even planned on buyin the lunch buffet today without asking him beforehand!
Anywaz, i spent half of our dinner time standing outside the balcony of the restaurant to make phone calls all the way back to malaysia. first i only wanted to call kukucheh and chris and sugit coz they are like christians! lolz but i ended up calling the rest of my family! cudnt get my dad thou~ Shereen and d' geng ate at blue water *sob sob...*
::need i say more....? (before dinner)::
Right after dinner, we took oto back to manipal! WOHOO! HIT THE CLUB TIME!!!! AND DRINKING TIME!!!! 1/4 of my whole class (total: 130) were there! COOL! and my batch was dominating the dance floor! lolz... ALOT OF DEM were freaking tipsy and drunk-came out wif unimaginable stunts! dailou told us he saw ppl throw bottles at other before in club but not throwing friends... *sigh...* yup, dat was one of the highlight! damn! Lee almost broke his damn neck man! falling from a height as high as enghan! But it was way cool! Meet shereen there. didnt get a chance to drink with her thou. Well... i will make sure new year we are gonna enjoy together!
Oh yeah! i forgot to mention! i love my dressing for the past two days. me looked like santa's sexy lil helper!! The eve's and christmas day, dresscode was damn christmassy despite the fact that i was wearing black on saturday-wanna potray a black christmas lar konon..! me and wifey bought santa hat and were wearing dat to almost everywhere we went! and those indians were staring at us like two morons on the loose!!! HAHAHHA! Untill a point,we were shouting merry christmas to everyone we saw on the street. ...not to mention wavings.... ::within the arms of giants from batch 16!!! tell me about being tall, i look like a midget here! Aaaaaaa~ (from left-marcus,dheeraj,pashvin, hussein wif his weird bell nails, navin(pseudo bro-in-law,hehe) and last but not the least HARRYZZZZZ!::
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