Who is that Hot Stuff?

a spit of comments.
a groan of aches.
a moment to confuse.
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Monday, July 09, 2007

Virginity is like a rare chocolate... wtf~

It is eight in the morning... Day break has finally penetrated the menace of cumulus clouds about two hours back which have been threatening to give away random raindrops.... ME HATES MAN-nipple weather!!!!!

Nah~ I hear no rooster barking. Only Biscuit (sexy biatch who gave birth to 4 cuties) crowing...
No birds hissing. Only some weird six legged freaks chirping. *sweat*

Alright, it must be the overnight studying schedule. Sigh... With the amount of notes I've consumed, i think i can pass with flying shooting colours for a sleek A1-grade Pathologist!

Anyways, as I was tossing, flipping and barbequeing my brains hoping for the impact and heat to open more pores so that those crappy facts diffuse faster and bulkier into the memory cells, something sprang up from the back of my back brain!!!! Well, maybe i was a lil bit distracted and all with bear sleeping a few feet away from me but nevermind that...

So, what is virginity? Now that I am no longer single and no longer fighting for the live-life-as-single motto as well as no longer conjuring strike to go against lovey dovey couple, I started wondering about it. Then i took a 5min break which ended up as 30min break to check it out. Key-ed on google search "virginity". Whole list of funny funny sites regarding my request poop-ed poppedup (sounds cool- po-pe-dup). ^^

Any-fukin-ways, i came to this website (http://teenadvice.about.com) and voila!! satisfied my hunger for the weirdest question at the weirdest hour.

Cautious: long article ahead. Read only if your are really free. *yawns*

*cut n' paste*


What does it mean to lose your virginity?

In the strictest term; you are a virgin until you've had sexual intercourse with the member of the opposite sex. But this definition leaves a lot of people out of the loop. While the social policy makers look to redefine marriage to include same sex partnerships, maybe it is time we also revisited what it means to be a virgin.

When we think of virgins, we think of "white wedding innocents" who define sex as a synonym for gender. But the fact is, the standard definition of virginity lets you get away with having a lot of different kinds of sex was still being able to call yourself a virgin. In theory, under the traditional definition of virginity, someone who is homosexual can have sex every day and still be a virgin. Someone who has oral sex regularly is also still a virgin. Does that really make sense? Something is a miss!

The whole narrow definition of virginity is in desperate need of a rewrite. Who better to do it than the first generation of new millennium teens? What does "losing your virginity" mean to you? Is it a state of mind or a specific act? Is it something that can be taken from you, or does it only count if you willingly give it away? When does "fooling around" end and "having sex" begin?

When considering "the new definition", think about these situations and ask yourself how they fit in to the meaning of virginity.

  • Is someone who is raped or molested no longer a virgin?
  • Is actual intercourse the only act that counts when determining ones virginity?
  • If you willingly engage in other intimate sexual acts but do not have intercourse, is it fair to still consider yourself a virgin?
  • How would you define losing your virginity if you were/are homosexual or bisexual?
  • Is being a virgin based on your feelings, what you do, or is it a combination of both?
  • Is there an emotional component to losing your virginity, meaning if you have sex but don't feel anything is different about you, does it count?
  • Is the current definition of virginity, and all the social stigma attached to it, biased toward girls? Is this right?
  • Does the current definition of virginity exclude homosexuals? Is this right?
  • Is virginity subjective (based on how the individual views themselves and what they do) or objective (how the situation is viewed by others on the outside)?

Formulate a definition and then share it with others, let's see what we can come up with.

HERE is the interesting part:

"I propose that virginity is twofold. I think there is an emotional virginity and a physical virginity. I think that to truly no longer be a virgin you must give up both the emotional attachment to your virginity and engage in physical acts of sex.

In my "definition", any intimate sex act which involves nudity and stimulation with the goal of orgasm counts as sex. I think nudity and stimulation are the "points of no return", not penetration. Regardless of whether that act is heterosexual or homosexual in nature, if you share your body with another person, or if you give pleasure to another person that involves orgasm or intends to cause orgasm, you have had sex.

I also feel that virginity is not something you "lose" or something that is "taken", but something you share with another person, like a rare chocolate or a once in a life time sunset.

If you haven't given it, it doesn't completely count as being gone.

I think that people who are raped and or molested are still virgins in the emotional sense even if their body has had sex. They have not stopped "being" a virgin, nor have they experienced the emotions that go along with giving ones body to another. If it is taken from you, although it may physically be sex, I don't think that it is fair to tell you you are no longer a virgin. You may still feel as if you have not had sex, you may still view sex with naivety. Being victimized should not force you to live with a label you neither wanted nor asked for. Virginity is not something we passively lose, non-virginity is something we deliberately choose to take."


As for me, I obviously like this dude's reply. Kewl eh?! Rare CHOCS...I'll make that RARE VODKA!

In a nuttyshell, I have lost my emotional virginity.... =(


  1. The word virginity is one of the most important thing in my life.

    I treat virginity as something very precious, something that can only be given to the opposite sex on the wedding night. I always think that the best wedding gift for both the happy couple is not the 2-3 meter wedding cake or the blender but virginity. I look forward to share this gift with my wife.

    Whatever the things is, i refrain whatever stuff that deals w intimate sex: oral, masturbation or penetration.

    And the world is becoming a terrible place with ppl treating virginity and sex like something you can buy alongside the road. Sad case...

    But it's gd to have someone here that still upholds the traditional mindset of virginity.

  2. I like your article on virginity. Each one has their own perspective on the topic. My libertarian thinking has my own views too. Interesting blog.

  3. Personally, I'm swinging in the opposite direction, and saying that naked hot sex of any sort is a wonderful thing and that you lose nothing by engaging in such activities thanks to birth control methods and therefore the old definition of virginity is archaic. If you want virginity to define something ugly then let's use it thusly: A virgin is someone who is free of STDs. If you have an STD, are actually contagious, then you are no longer a virgin. That actually means something, free of the superstitious, free of religious notions. Clean or dirty, STD or no STD, sex isn't bad but STDs are.
