::Fear U, Fear U not::The biggest fear ISN'T the word fear itself... Right...
Why so? coz fear itself, if not filled with sentiments does not weigh any meaning.
Tssk tsskk tsskk... Gosh, i think im still in the "Fearless" mood. Kinda like everything about the show.. from the idea to the un-chronology approach of the director... Frankly, I have never been this impressed upon a kung-fu show before watching this piece. So, i say-Watch it!
Err... the only slack part is a few spur momenta, I was reminded of medical terms and india... (especially when dat fella gave his rival a palm combo punch on his chest-POW! and.. and.. scapula came protruding out.) "winging of the scapula" wtf!
Anywayz, fear? Fear within ourselves... We created it and we inadvertently nurture it... That is why, overcoming fear somehow linked us into modifying our principle- how we look at life... and what we expect in life...
I fear my enemy with much hatred to win over dat fella. I fear my friends with much dislike and like for the fear of losing them and yet the fear of letting them overtaking me can appear at the same times... Sigh... And so far, I have feared myself for not being able to perform up to my own blardy high expectations!
Apart from that, come along a comical fear- I fear (my worst nightmare) that one day I will trip on a shit in india and fall head down on another piece of cow dung! To make things worse, the half soft and harden fertiliser might just get clogged in my nostrils, accidentaly inhale a huge air and down it goes into my throat.. *double faint*
Whatever it is, once a fear is overcame, another will tag along. Doesnt leave you in peace eh?
And so... a rest back in home-sweet-home, feeling close to my old self since i am reminded of my achievements formally and informally really gave me a huge opportunity to regain my freaking low self esteem which stuck me 2 and a half months back! To have soulmates to boost up your spirits... to remind me constantly (max service i can get is onli for 30 days... T.T) is the bestest thing i can ever asked for... Eventhough india is hot and lively, the vibe isnt strong enough to influence my descending bubbliness and ascending gloominess...
I kept losing myself along the way... It was good enough I held on fine for the first block. Guess i needed an injection of morale. Alot of esteem-threatening ocassions have taken place... Who wuld have thought I was defeated by someone so unimportant and somehting so insignificance.
From there i discovered one thing that i never pondered on... sorrow is quite similar to a make-belief game. Thinking that ur luck turn bad.. and bad things will keep happening..When I am in it, I am continusly being absorbed into the ugly side of world. Simply said, how a white sheet of paper is dirtied... whether or not it is disturbed, it will turn yellowish over the years...
Oklar, am tired of writting... I am sleepy... yet i cant make myself sleep...
Quote of the month: every second spent on sleeping is a sin!
Dr.Sexy Tan (7.oo am)