Who is that Hot Stuff?

a spit of comments.
a groan of aches.
a moment to confuse.
a reason to fight.
a tear to trickle.
an antidote to laugh.
a lameness to feed on.

Its all in here!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Series of Pissifying Events

As far as I remembered, I woke up from the right side of the bed.
But why is it I was tailed by series of unfortunate also pissifying events since the moment I stepped out from the house?!

1. My not-so-wonderful-and-gloomy day took off with my imbecile scooter not wanting to start. I tried really hard and long to activate the damned fucked up machine.
Because I just took it out from Bajaj's Centre (well known for its status as the international money sucker) who just leeched a total of 1200 rupees claiming that my battery and spark plug have been renewed.
So, as I was fuming away, I had to press the knob of electric starter, pulled the choker's trigger (felt like i almost broke it) and ramming the accelerator at the same time while hanging on to the brake so that the stupid bike wouldn't suddenly fly onto the road IF it miraculously woke up. DAMN.
If all those aren't enough to get my torso occupied, I finally had to kick start with all the above actions still implemented! *tears hair off head*
I was already late to class. 5minutes to class when i left the house, and with my scooter cooking up its attitude, I had ZERO time to lose. Felt like bursting out when I couldn't feel any Indian rupees in my jeans. OH CRAP!
Good enough, Ming planned on attending the class. I followed him. (he was late too lar...)

-see rainy season doesn't offer good prospects! Not even to me, an idealist who loves rain...-

2. Since I didn't have an umbrella with me, I was praying hard to Manipal's God of Rain in class not to release the sinister downpour. I have been a real good girl the past few days, no?
Yeah! Damn right! He obviously didn't give two shits about the measly lil girl who so badly wanted to walk to main ICICI bank about 500 metres away!
Nah... I wasn't silly enough to let the rain soaked me! That would made the God of Rain laugh his teeth off! I chose to wait till someone offered me a shade. Khairun was really sweet.... Thank you love =) Got an oto and went to the bank. The counter attendant was a biatch! Someone's gotta teach them office people some manners and probably a real hardcore and intensive lesson on HOW-TO-SMILE-YOUR-32-yellow-teeth to your customers!! Useless black skinned creatures!

3. Next on my eruption sequence-the dumb-fucked oto driver! To get to Swarnagiri Apartment (apparently it means Gold Mountain in their Hindi Language), I was nice enough to tell him to use the shorter way to get there before he made the U-turn to take an even LONGER route. BUT NO! Instead of thanking me while kneeling down and kissing my dirty, smelly, muddy and torn sneakers, he barked back at me:
"Take one big round, no?" And when any oto driver spits such words outta their Halitosis mouth it only means ONE THING! That is surcharge of $$$$$$$$$$$!!!! I paid 30 rupees in the end without any question. I was too beaten up to squeak anymore dissatisfaction! (20 rupees more I would have gotten to Udupi!)

Let me declare today as Indians condemning Day. Thus, any blacks who mess with me after this is sure going to bear the consequence of my earlier anger!

4. Upon reaching my house I was welcomed by my baby...He had to come down and pay my sucky smelly oto driver... Yeah, not a very romantic way to put it but who cares lar... (truly his smile does disintegrate my worries and grudges into ashes... However it, ONLY for less than a minute) Stomach strike began... I was so hungwie but I only manage to slouch into the kitchen... There I was thinking I would put myself at ease finally after feasting on the not so grand meal. Removing the lid of the pan, I was anticipating bottomless fried rice and VOILA! My stare was greeted with food enough to feed ONLY a pathetic sole refugee in WW2 concentrated camp. ARGHH!!!!!!! Immediately my temperature shoot up and I snapped!
Some insensitive people (whom i choose not to display HIS AND HER name because I am FUCKING SENSITIVE) do not know how to consider other's empty stomach while scooping for their 3rd servings! Ive had enough. This aint the very first time I was left with remnants of food like this!

Poor jimmy bear... He had to tolerate my mood swing from the moment i got back till he left for class... Sorry my dearest... I didn't mean it to let it all out on you... *hearts* And thanks for being there and embracing me throughout while sizzling off my wild inferno... ^^ Sigh...
I can never love anyone more... Love you.... <3

Only Love,
SueLyNn Tan... (14:57)
Currently listening to: Endless Rain -X japan

Thursday, May 03, 2007

I was once a single Lingham

I drop by to say a few things. =)

Announcing a good example life of a blogger once she is occupied *winks*. Officially, i am no more an active member of blogger. Blame him *points finger at jimmy bear*

And only as lately as today I realised blogging business is meant for singles! Oooo~ Singles who are spared with a lot a lot of extra free time. Yep, I am referring to myself 2months back. Recalling how it used to be having the excess handful of minutes and hours around, not knowing what i cud do with them.

But somehow, i managed to shove those free moments by camping in front of the laptop to be emotional about life, to think about the unthinkable, and to worry about the world. Haha.
Nowadays he is like my blog page now. A blog space with feelings and is able to advise, to comments and to give me a few pieces of his mind when Im at fault. *sulk*

I speak, I share, I giggle, I laugh, I gossip, I complain, I cry, I wail and I express myself all to him. Sigh~ Wonder when is he gonna get tired of such a whinner like me. XD Sounds pretty good eh! And Im also glad im not shy singing/ croaking in front of him. =D Well, thats what every "u-know" does, isnt it?

I just watched the latest episode of desperate housewives. I am too emotionally attached to the series that I am actually feeling upset for Susan Meyer when she has to choose between Mike and Ian. My eyes were so wet by the time Ian decided to walk away from Susan's life after a she made the hardest choice in her life to leave Mike, that is of course due to a certain issue. Huhu~ She loves them both, but she loves Mike a lil more... Awww~ *wipes tears off with a hanky*

Anwayz, lost my mood to continue blogging. Bearbear is back from bsb! Woots!
And oh yeah, i sucessfully whipped up a pot of green bean tong sui unburnt yesterday night! Kudos to me! ^^