I think it is times up for speeding through life lately... A need to stop, breathe and analyze a few things that has been a lil of a bother to me. This might be essential if not the best thing to do right now...
Life as it seems has always depicture everything you need to learn, know and be aware of... Be it subconciously, accidentally, destinied or being forced to acknowledge those general basics about life, the responsibilties lie upon us. Basically, life is like a foreign language. We have to take them in and do the rest of the translation ourselves. When first exposed to, it sounds really complicated and nevertheless the crappiest, ridiculous, super hardest thing on the surface of earth. Only the irony is, life evolves around the planet itself, so, i think i have to compare the level of difficulties to be the hardest thing in the universe. *grumbles* Anyways, some of us actually learn it fast enough to avoid the reccurence, some go really really slow...
But the best part about life is, once it is partially understood, it is as easy as ABC. *hurrays*
Good enough, now, how many of us actually treat life as playground? How many of us when fall down, cry, stand up and are ready to continue running? How many of us do not give up playing hide and seek? How many of us got so hooked up in the playground and are adamant to take a break from the excitement? And how many ended up feeling extremely exhausted? And what about this? Fighting for the most expensive toys and rides? Yes... If u understand what i am saying, then you would want to ask yourselves too... Do you laugh like those children you see in the innocent teritory... And do you forget about fight that happened as recent as 30 seconds ago and then continue to have fun?
Break a leg and start praying to see urself as such! Because, we cant. I cant. Neither are you capable of doing so. I admit, I am complicated, I treat my life as complex as my volatile feelings and emotions. I cannot seem to understand the basis behind it. I live to question and I also live to question those questions. In which i do not obtain an answer towards the end of the day.
Thus, i personally think that if you are kept away from certain knowledge, it doesnt mean you are stupid. But be thankful, because you blessed from getting all tangled up in a mesh work of complication. And hey, it was a smart move to avoid getting involved too! So, is there an actual margin to draw between the difference of stupidity and a smarty ass? (and yes i have something to say to rebut what i have just said! gosh... it is nverending...)