Who is that Hot Stuff?

a spit of comments.
a groan of aches.
a moment to confuse.
a reason to fight.
a tear to trickle.
an antidote to laugh.
a lameness to feed on.

Its all in here!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Amoi Banana

900million - 1.1 billion MYR were the estimated “donations” received and were kept in a person’s home! Wadafuckinfuck was that???

And everyone was jumping and parroting into the dUMbNO’s tempurung of constitution and kedaulataan negara and race base politics when LGE’s announcement in Mandarin shook the country’s so called sovereignty. That too after the initial announcement was in Bahasa Malaysia and English. Ladies and gentlemen, Mandarin is not racist but the hooman and people are.

Alot of my Malay and Indian friends are sending their kids to Mandarin school.

Why? Because Mandarin is an art to master. It is often spoken and a widely used language in the world and in asia.

Why i am for mandarin?
I am a #Banana. For those who dont know me iz a banana - i look like chinese, sometimes sound like one (mostly indianized), has sepet eyes BUT i cant read and write in mandarin.

It is tough. It is challenging. It is disheartening and demoralizing at times when i cannot communicate to my patients the original crux of my management or persuading/advising in full parallel understanding of my knowledge. Mostly, im worried what i try to imply were lost in translation.

I cant sing any Jay chou or Lee hom’s song without being laughed at my incorrect pronunciation. But i still do it anyways la. Whatever 🙄

I picked up Mandarin over my years of clinical practice because i find it practical and it amazes me how languages connect hooman. Working on strengthening my canton pop at the same time too thanks to my crazy talkative colleague.

I speak good bahasa malaysia with strong malay slang so much so, that many of my patients ask me if im a Malay root amoi. Because it is important i speak the same language when i see and converse to people of the same ethnicity.

I tried communicating with saudi arabians in arabic  and bangladeshis/indian nationals in hindi when i consult them for lengthy medical issues hoping they will get what my sincere concern of their health are. Using google translate of course.

Heck if i was in sabah or sarawak i would learn their languages too. Because people tend to open up and feel comfortable to another hooman when they feel connected in language. And oh not forgetting through food and sports too.

We just need to get the message across as true and as clear as possible.

My point is, LGE translating in Mandarin after announcing it in Bahasa malaysia and English are excellent. Im sure he would love to do it in as many languages as possible if he could.

Im also damn sure if given a chance, tun M would like to learn mandarin and probably announce in mandarin as well. Imagine if Kj and syed sadiq starts speaking and translating their announcement in mandarin to reach the older aunties and uncles?

More heartwarming. More inclusiveness.

Next aim for tamil ok? #serepebinjirom

#sobengang #bengapalsoada #bengong #kanasai


Signing off,
Amoi cina terakhir.

Friday, June 08, 2018

Depression Part 2

Many are shocked that celebrities are taking their own lives. Guess what? That is the tip of suicidal iceberg.

You hear about them because they are famous. There are millions more you are not aware because they are your usual next door neighbour you say hi and by to, your intimidating handsome senior, your ever happy go lucky colleague, your forever talkative cousins, your loving sweet sisters, and the list goes on... This is as real as it gets. It is treatable. Stigma kills because they convince themselves they can handle themselves because society puts a label on them once they seek professional help.

Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Depression Part 1 (Kate Spade)

Depression is deadly. It is so real and unreal at the same time that society takes it too lightly. Mental illness is going to be our latest version of heart attack in the next 10years. It will hit anyone at any age. I hope and im advocating for us to realise that it can be treated/ kept under controlled just like the usual high blood pressure, diabetes, hyper/hypothyroid etc. 

We wake up to news of successful people ending their lives. And we ask why? Common argument would be: While many are struggling to make ends meet, we question why people who are richer, prettier, physically better has too much on their plate that they have to succumb to death. 

We label them as spoilt. Mentally weak. Useless. 
But are they? 

Look around, people who are depressed appear happy, smily, bubbly, smart and heck even popular amongst their peer and in society. They too ace in pretending. They wear perfect mask. Behind that flawless make up and bold lipstick, lies a soul like an empty shell. 

Age and life’s downfall catches up with everyone one fine day. Misery looms above as though a moody cloud constantly hangs above our head. 

Unusual discontenment. 
Life greatest oxymoron. 
Subzero self-peace. 
Haunting nightmares. 
Ridiculous goals. 

All. Upon. Themselves. 

Then it only takes one moment to cave in. 

Constantly being pulled into the abyss of mind complexes like a black hole. 

These people ace in hiding their disease. They can debate and beat you in all the 100 reasons why so-and-so happens. 

RIP Kate Spade. 😔
Hope joing your other peaceful mate- Avicii, Chester, Robin Williams.


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Football broadcasting

So everyone tengah pungpangpungpang bab broadcasting of world cup. Rm 40million is a waste of money? Isit?

Right, just last week, rm133million was found stashed in Najis’s house. Rumah sorang je okay.

Ini untuk anak2 malaysia of the whole nation yang gila bola spend rm40million is considered what? Thats right, it is 1/3rd of the money found in someone’s house. I repeat cash found in a house!

For those who has forgotten what its like, watch the movie : Ola Bola. Feel the semangat kesukanan yang telah dilupai ramai. Why? Because ever since Astro monopoly our satelite TV for the longest time, only orang privileged yang boleh watch international games. Tak kisah lah boxing pacquio vs mayweather, world cup, epl, other non lcw badminton games, etc etc

Kasi la chance for budak2 kampung, orang asli yanf ada tv but no astro to tengok bola.

Budak2 zaman sekarang semua macam i, keyboard warrior, economy, infrastructure analyist  on fb. Tak turun padang, tak main football, sebab tak minat, sebab tak tonton game game exciting, macam mana nak groom another ronaldo, ronaldinho 😂 #iamakakibangku #doh #demambola

I have a feeling many are underestimating worldcup viewers. Tengok bola, makan bola, tidur bola- minum coca cola!!!! Ingat that advert? 😁😁😁

Its time to bring back glory to our sports! If not, RTM standard la ok. Hopefully more international screenings. Bring in more satellite tv options for healthy competition. Katakan tidak kepada monopoly! Pffft.

Lastly, goooooo GERMANY!!!!! Blietzkrieg! 🇩🇪

Friday, May 18, 2018

Kotak oren

Khabar angin menyatakan 284 kotak birkin dan hermes tu kotak kosong. Yea la, mentang2 kiteorang boleh je collect kotak kosong oren sesuka hati, pengemis pon boleh je jumpe kotak kosong oren dekat tempat buang sampah bile2 mase. Badak air yang mempunyai beratusan kotak oren bukan calang2 binatang ye sis. #luarbiasa #collectkotakbirkinsmacamcollectstamps #menyampah #meluat #lucahwtf #silameninggal

Friday, May 11, 2018

Sejahtera Malaysia

Entry 11/5/18

Salam Harapan dan selamat pagi anak-anak Malaysia. Tanahair kita diberi gelaran Malaysia Baru pada detik bersejarah yang dicipta oleh our “Bapa of All Comebacks”! Beliau telah pulang dari cuti yang sekian lama. Walaupun riak wajah beliau uang berumur 92 tahun terukir garisan kedutan yang kelihatan letih, terbukti otak fikiran beliau masih liat bergeliga dengan jawapan sarcastik dalam persidangan media semalam!!! #madrespek #freestyle #apanama #malaysiabaru

The air feels fresher.
Even my morning yongtaufu tastes better.
The feeling of liberation is real.
The sense of pride i carry today as a Malaysian cannot be bought with money.
Im driving around with a plastered smile on my face.
The aunties in pasar pagi seated two tables away has mentioned the word “anak malaysia” few times.
Our lagu kebangsaan, sejahtera malaysia, demi negara, standing in the eyes of the world bring back a strong palpable emotions which was suppressed gradually that went into hiding past 15years.

I hope our new government can set a new benchmark to the new opposition for them to fight back in 5years time.

Because when there is healthy competition in a political setting and system, only then the Rakyat will benefit.

We do not want another 60 years of PH because that will mean conformity to evils’ invitation and comfort zone.

What a time to be alive!

Anak Malaysia 🙂 #stillfeelingsurreal #silentlyhummingdeminegarasinceiwokeup

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Sejarah tercipta

Salam Harapan,

Sejarah tercipta di saat ini.
Peristiwa 9hb Mei 2018 telah menggantikan 13hb Mei 1969.
Justice has been restored.
Gst has been abolished.
We got back a respectable FLOM. 🙂

#harapanbaru #malaysiabaru #inikalilah #salamreformasi

Wednesday, May 09, 2018


Do you feel like you are a Malaysian today for the first time? After 60years of kemererdekaan, today marks its historical spot just like 31st August 1957. Whereby Malaysian unite! Rakyat Bangkit! Power is within the people! #inikalimemangsudahconfirm #1mdb #atlantuya #teohbenghock #hussainnajadi #kevinmorais RIP soon!

Tuesday, May 08, 2018


Tonight, if we were to throwback 70yrs ago during our grandparents/greatparents era. They would have had almost the same feeling as the majority of us who are feeling currently right at this very moment. 50-50 would have felt when would japanese occupation end. Or most would had the little most hope which is so bleak that no sunrise will ever be seen, eating ubi kayu for the rest of their lives like staple food or sprinting into underground shelter when the bomb siren berkumandang on air. Then, merdeka happened. They were freed from the evil zaman kuku besi. Tomorrow, i hope we all will be emancipated, from our version of zaman kuku besi. #sejarahberulanglagi #merdeka #harapan #saynotobeend #harapan #tunm #dsai