Who is that Hot Stuff?

a spit of comments.
a groan of aches.
a moment to confuse.
a reason to fight.
a tear to trickle.
an antidote to laugh.
a lameness to feed on.

Its all in here!

Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Depression Part 1 (Kate Spade)

Depression is deadly. It is so real and unreal at the same time that society takes it too lightly. Mental illness is going to be our latest version of heart attack in the next 10years. It will hit anyone at any age. I hope and im advocating for us to realise that it can be treated/ kept under controlled just like the usual high blood pressure, diabetes, hyper/hypothyroid etc. 

We wake up to news of successful people ending their lives. And we ask why? Common argument would be: While many are struggling to make ends meet, we question why people who are richer, prettier, physically better has too much on their plate that they have to succumb to death. 

We label them as spoilt. Mentally weak. Useless. 
But are they? 

Look around, people who are depressed appear happy, smily, bubbly, smart and heck even popular amongst their peer and in society. They too ace in pretending. They wear perfect mask. Behind that flawless make up and bold lipstick, lies a soul like an empty shell. 

Age and life’s downfall catches up with everyone one fine day. Misery looms above as though a moody cloud constantly hangs above our head. 

Unusual discontenment. 
Life greatest oxymoron. 
Subzero self-peace. 
Haunting nightmares. 
Ridiculous goals. 

All. Upon. Themselves. 

Then it only takes one moment to cave in. 

Constantly being pulled into the abyss of mind complexes like a black hole. 

These people ace in hiding their disease. They can debate and beat you in all the 100 reasons why so-and-so happens. 

RIP Kate Spade. 😔
Hope joing your other peaceful mate- Avicii, Chester, Robin Williams.


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