Who is that Hot Stuff?

a spit of comments.
a groan of aches.
a moment to confuse.
a reason to fight.
a tear to trickle.
an antidote to laugh.
a lameness to feed on.

Its all in here!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pimples Pandemic

i have an obsession to press and burst ripened pimples.
seeing the tip of the pimples anywhere on anyone's face creates this unfathomable irk from the inside out of me.

so, my poor youngest bro became a victim of my obsession.
spent an hour clearing the pimples.
alot of tears and blood were shed... HAHAHA!!!

:: the blood and tissues wasted... ::

:: the result of his sister's obsession..::

Only love <3
Dr. Sexy Tan (2230)


  1. oh my goodness!! wat have u done??? lol! ur bro wil have a lot of "volcano holes" after this!

  2. don't worry esther.
    his face will look relatively smooth.
    i do that to myself as well. and i managed to keep my face clear.

