Who is that Hot Stuff?
a spit of comments.
a groan of aches.
a moment to confuse.
a reason to fight.
a tear to trickle.
an antidote to laugh.
a lameness to feed on.
Sunday's facebook shoutout. (And i mean it! Right, sulin *rolls eyes*)
"One of the best-est weekend!Restraining order for NO partying & NO drinking the next 2months starts today!"
Being a facebook queen, i have seen a couple of shout outs stating that they had a great weekend. Something very nice to hear from the usual grunts and complaints about Monday blues...
I obviously had a weekend i find worth blogging. =)
Weekend started as early as Friday night.More like an alcohol filled weekend. Teheeee.
Fought with bii (dont remember why at the moment), not a good sign for good weekend huh?
Gaya was unhappy too under the influence of some unforeseen circumstances.
So we ber-emo together over the smses. Sigh...
Anyways, Andeloo called for dinner. I wanted to nap aka sleep until the next morning but i decided against my pig-ly wish because i was adamant that my weekend should be AWESOME this time! So off we went to Wazen with Gillie, Bav and Anson. Bii joined us 20minutes later along with his post-badminton sweat. He left with Anson when the rest of us decided to go for a many round of beer @ Jim's Cottage in conjunction with the opening ceremony of World Cup Fifa 2010.
Steven and the geng joined us for awhile and we all left at 12 something.
Then I joined dx and the rest in office bar. Had another many rounds of beer. Haha.
Left at 2am but my night did not end there because i joined the party in gurv's apartment.
Woooowooowooo! Slow down woman. -_____-!Bad news, i had my usual emotional attack/breakdown when i get high in unhappy state. I probably cried tears enough to be able to fill up all the empty whisky bottles lying around in gurv's house. Bahh! Sappy! But thanks to Shereen, Mal, Gurv and Paul for shutting up my howlings in the wee hour of morning. Sorry dearies... =(
Woke up the next morning wearing a pair of
swollen goldfish eyes. Like that >>
Haha! Luckily I managed to stay through the whole convocation without much difficulties from the 3 people i do not wish to see. *pats own head*
Post convocation party at Arena and then at Garden city. I will let pictures do the talking.
...is another chapter of its own... =)
I will write another entry on it!
Signing off...
sue... <3
"To thine own self be true..."
I have made no fault,
maybe only imperfection of not being perfect...
I owe YOU not any vindications...
...For i have played my role...
YOU don't deserve my conscience anymore
The only mistake i probably have made was to befriend you and to underestimate your misconstrue judgmental personality...
BEGONE ungrateful, jealous, cynical and narcissist force!
I reckon i have left this shout out for the longest recorded time ever on my face book page -UNTOUCHED. PERIOD!
Probably more than a week, long enough for the message to reach those it was directed upon. Most importantly, strong enough to puncture and penetrate the dirty dungs-compacted brains of some people!!!
And if they don't get it, i can only laugh at their lack of conscience and ignorance! Bakaaa!
Because it hurts when people hurled those irresponsible and unfiltered tainted ideas of theirs at someone (Me) who was seriously putting their best interests before anything else!
And please get your facts right before bombarding away like a malfunctioned catapult!
A misunderstanding as many puts it, i beg to differ. I, who stand on the other end do not see it that way. Personally? It sounded like saying fuck-you in a subtler way.
Where is the room for the benefit of doubts when it is critically and essentially needed?
No one jumps right into a stinky pool of verdict if it wasn't for a pre-fixed prejudice!
So, to hell with "misunderstandings"!!!
I was furious! So angry i could murder those people! But hey, it was only a superego thought.
I am sane enough to NOT react and demote myself to the same par as those people.
Well, referring to the conclusion made by those people, I totally get it that superior people have to behave superior-ly as oppose to minions doing the minion jobs?
Those weren't my natural words. I had to spit them in defense to false convictions made by a subordinate.
I have said it before and now i will say it again:
i will b the worst defender u can ever come across in lifei don't perform the inauguration of attacks for i only defend by counterattacks!and bear in mind that they will be few folds in comparison to the damage you have caused...
echoes from 1st June 2010 8:03 pm...